The St Ralph Sherwin Catholic Multi Academy Trust is committed to providing the very highest standards of education and support and places great value on its strong partnership with parents.
However, we recognise that from time to time concerns or complaints may arise and it is out aim to work with all parties involved towards a satisfactory resolution.
ALL complaints will be managed in line with our ‘Complaints Process’ which is explained fully in our Complaints Policy (link is on the right), and is also simplified below.
What to do if you have a complaint..
Please see the different stages below.
For full information, please see the link to the Complaints Policy on the right-hand side of this page.
What you should do…
Please discuss any concerns or complaints with a member of staff at the school eg. subject teacher or form tutor, with a view to resolving your issue. There is no need at this stage for the complaint to be made in writing. (Staff to use Annex A in the Complaints Policy)
What the school will do…
The member of staff you speak to will make a note of any agreed actions to keep as a record and a copy of this will be passed onto the Trust Complaints Coordinator.
Resolution discussions are expected to take place within 10 school days of the school being notified of your concern or complaint.
What to do if your concern or complaint isn’t resolved at this stage
In the unusual event that your complaint remains unresolved, you may put your complaint in writing and move onto Stage 2.
What you should do…
If your concern or complaint hasn’t been resolved formally, then please put it in writing (Parents/Carers to use Annex B in the Complaints Policy).
Make sure this is sent to the Complaints Coordinator within 10 school days of the conclusion of Stage 1.
What the school will do…
An Investigating Officer will acknowledge your complaint within 5 school days.
They will…
- Investigate your complaint and decide how best to resolve it within a further 10 school days.
- Provide a written response to you outlining how the investigation was conducted and the outcome of the complaint, as well as offering you an opportunity to discuss the outcome if appropriate. This will normally be within 5 school days of completing the investigation.
What to do if your concern or complaint isn’t resolved at this stage
You will be advised on the next steps if after this review your complaint has not been resolved which will be covered under Stage 3.
What you should do…
If your concern or complaint hasn’t been resolved at Stage 2, then you may write to the Complaints Coordinator within 10 school days of the notification of the Stage 2 outcome. (Parents/Carers to use Annex C in the Complaints Policy).
What the school will do…
Your request will be acknowledged within 5 school days and you will be informed of the arrangements for the Formal Complaint Panel.
A panel will normally be convened within 20 school days of your request.
The panel will consist of…
- 3 people who have NOT been directly involved in the matters in the complaint.
- At least one of those people will be independent of the management and running of the academy (i.e not a governor at the academy or a Director of the Academy Trust, BUT this may be a governor at another academy within the St Ralph Sherwin CMAT)
The panel will consider the following
- any appropriate action to be taken to resolve the complaint
- whether to dismiss the complaint in whole or in part;
- whether to uphold the complaint in whole or in part;
- whether changes to the academy or Academy Trust procedures in the future may be necessary.
Next Steps
The panel will taken into account whether the complaint has been handled properly and reasonably and whether the Stage 2 outcome was reasonable and appropriate.
- You will be informed of the outcome in writing within 7 school days.
- You, and the person complained about, will receive a copy of the findings, along with recommendations made by the panel and a copy of the minutes of the meeting (redactions where appropriate under GDPR)
Taking your Complaint Further
Although the decision of the Panel is final under this procedure, if you believe your complaint was not handled in line with the published complaints procedure or they are proposing to act unreasonably, or have failed to carry out their statutory duties, then you may refer your complaint to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (EFSA). The EFSA will not normally reinvestigate the substance of complaints or overturn any decision made by the Academy/CMAT, but they will considered if the Academy/CMAT has adhered to education legislation and any statutory policies connected with the complaint and whether they have followed Part 7 of the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014.
Tel: 0370 000 2288
or write to:
Academy Complaints and Customer Insight Unit
Education and Skills Funding Agency
Cheylesmore House
5 Quinton Road